PCOS GUIDE: How to speak to your doctor.


This guide is designed to help you better consult with clinicians and professionals, especially when seeking support and advice about polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The guide is split into two sections: 

  1. If you suspect you may have PCOS but are not diagnosed.

  2. You have recently been diagnosed with PCOS.

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Here are just a few of our the articles to get you started. You can search for PCOS on our website (www.tempdrop.com) to find even more helpful resources.

At a glance

Often, the lower fertility rate associated with a PCOS diagnosis has to do with lack of ovulation, or lack of regular ovulation. If ovulation is what's causing your difficulty conceiving, finding and treating the root cause of your PCOS should help to restore some normalcy of ovulation, which will increase your likelihood to conceive. While on your way to regulating your cycle better, you can chart your cycle! By charting your cycle, you can observe signs indicating impending ovulation to help you time intercourse better for conception.
If you have PCOS, you don't have to cut out sugar, dairy, gluten, and fruit; go low carb; or skip snacks. Rather, making sure you get enough of the right nutrients is the key. Try these tips:
  •  Replace industrial seed oils (canola, vegetable, safflower, and soybean) with minimally processed, heat stable fats (grass-fed butter, coconut oil, avocado oil, and tallow)
  • Eat a small meal every 3-4 hours and don't be afraid of healthy snacks
  • Balance protein, fat, and carbs at every meal
  • If you don't tolerate starchy carbs well, try fruits, fruit juices, and even raw honey
The development of PCOS is interesting. For example, simply having polycystic ovaries doesn't actually mean you have PCOS - weird, right? Polycystic ovaries just means that you have many eggs developing at once. Every cycle, you have multiple eggs develop. If you have any condition causing anovulation or irregular ovulation, you may have more eggs developing than is considered "normal" and you could have polycystic ovaries on an ultrasound...but that doesn't mean you have PCOS. A few other reasons for polycystic ovaries include
  • anovulation for another medical reason
  • a developing reproductive system (especially teenagers)
  • postpartum
So, you may have polycystic ovaries without PCOS! It's always important to get the right tests done and ask your doctor to make sure the diagnosis is done properly - after all, you'll want to be sure you've found the right treatment for the actual diagnosis.


"I purchased a Tempdrop to be able to better chart my cycles for PCOS and for hopefully conceiving a baby. It seemed to track my temperatures accurately despite multiple night wakings, and before the month was out, I was able to use the data to fall pregnant! I'm so glad I found Tempdrop!"

— Hillary, USA
“When I found out I had PCOS I purchased temp drop to help find ovulation. Since having temp drop I have not ovulated and without temp drop I would have never known. But the good thing is I finally got my temps up and more consistent."

— Posted on the Tempdrop Facebook group
“I used Tempdrop to track my basal body temperature to get pregnant. I am 19 weeks now! I have PCOS and irregular cycles. I saw I was on ovulating on Cycle Day 45. My baby wouldn't be here without y'all! So Thank you!"

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